Welcome to Year 6!
Welcome to Year 6! We hope that the children have had a good rest and are ready for the busy year ahead. During our first few weeks we will focus on settling the children back into school and ensuring that they have the skills and knowledge required to be successful in Year 6.
Working with us
We strongly believe that education is a shared partnership with school and home. We encourage parents to become fully involved in their children’s learning and also in the life of the school. We are keen to work with you to support your children and we encourage parents to speak with us regularly.
Mrs Healy and Mrs Walker
11th September 2024
Today we were fortunate to have a skateboard workshop. Adam taught us how to mount and dismount safely as well as some cool tricks. Willow class had a wonderful morning and are all feeling much more confident on a skateboard!
20th September 2024
In computing, the children have been using Scratch as part of their programming unit. Today they used their sprite to move to different locations on the stage.
Maya Sacrifice - 30th September 2024
Year 6 have been learning about the ancient Mayan civilisation in History. They re-enacted a traditional Maya sacrifice and then wrote up a non-chronological report about it. (Disclaimer: no child was hurt during the re-enactment!)
Pok-a-Tok - Monday 14th October 2024
Willow Class have been studying the Maya as their history topic. We used evidence from artefacts and paintings to produce a factfile on what they believed the game would have looked like. After this, the class decided that they would like to have a go themselves (although we did have to agree to new rules as it was hard not using our hands!)
In Art, the children have been designing and creating a woven product in the style of Maya crafts. Here are our finished products for you to enjoy.
25th October 2024 - English Horror Stories
Willow class were given the opportunity to share our horror narratives with each other, based on Francis, other around the fire pit. This was all finished off with a tasty treat of toasted marshmallows.
Wednesday 5th November
Today, the whole school were an allocated our Wellbeing Afternoon. Our focus question was “How can nature support our wellbeing?” The children in Willow Class were put into small groups to take part in a carousel of different activities including: engaging in an outdoor learning activity, designing a poster on bringing nature into our lives and engaging in breathing exercises.
Tuesday 12th November
This afternoon, Willow Class took part in some outdoor learning activities. We looked at rope work and practised performing overhand knots and half-hitch knots. Once we were confident, the children put their new learned skills into action and made friendship bracelets using half hitch knots. During this time, small groups were taken outside to do some bulb planting – we very much look forward to seeing them bloom!
Wednesday 27th November - PE at Costello
This afternoon, Willow Class were fortunate enough take part in some PE at Costello. Miss Lewis arranged for the children to have a tour around the school and then take part in bench-ball. Afterwards, the children paired up with some Year 7 and Year 8 ex-Rucstall pupils who showed them around and answered any questions they had. Thank you to everyone who gave up their time to help this event take place.
Friday 13th December 2024 DT - Shelters
Willow class have been looking at Maya shelters this term in DT. After thinking carefully about a product for a user and a purpose, the children designed their own shelters. We practised the woodwork skills needed in order to be successful when it came to making them. By carefully measuring, sawing and joining wood together securely, reinforcing aspects to make our shelters more sturdy and using a glue gun safely, we came up with these wonderful products.
Friday 10th January 2025
Vik, from Chance to Shine, is back at Rucstall! We are very much looking forward to Vik supporting the development of the 'whole child' through the delivery of his cricket lessons. This is our first week with Vik, and it is safe to say all children were thoroughly engaged and enjoyed the activities.
Thursday 16th January 2025
Today we started our Food Technology unit - Fajitas! We looked at the key skills we had practised in previous years and how we will be building on this. After thinking about the user and the purpose, we started the designing phase by testing different types of wraps and scoring them on the following: aesthetics, ease of folding, texture and taste. Next week, we will incorporate our whole class results into a maths lesson....watch this space!