
Rucstall Primary School

A caring, fun loving, learning community

Art & Design

Art & Design – Implementation

Children are given the opportunity to build on the key skills and knowledge of Art and Design. They have the opportunity to develop their skills across the units using a range of different artists, crafts makers and designers before producing and evaluating a final piece. Art and Design is taught three times across the year linking skills with Design and Technology and some elements of Computing. All units build upon skills over time.


For example, when painting is taught in EYFS they focus on creating self-portraits and use the paint to express their ideas in an individual manner, in Year One they paint using Paul Klee as a key artist exploring block shapes focusing on colour theory and mixing. In Year Four they explore pointillism and Georges Seurat, they will use their previous knowledge of colour and composition in other skills covered to explore and adapt the pointillism movement for their own creation. All of these skills build up to a final painting piece in Year Five where they use the impressionist style of Vincent Van Gough as inspiration following on from the pointillism covered previously. They will need to use all of the skills surrounding composition and colour theory that they learnt previously to create their final piece.


Each unit follows a similar format:

Lesson 1: Exploring the work of artists and architects

Lesson 2: Sketch book work/collecting ideas for a final piece

Lesson 3/4/5: Developing skills

Lesson 6: Completing a final piece

Lesson 7: Evaluation

Year 2 - Michelle Reader - Year 2 had a very exciting opportunity to be able to have a video chat with the artist that they are studying this half term. She spoke to the children about her sculptures, how they were made and different methods to join different materials. We are very excited to start our new art unit on sculpture!

Christmas Tree Art - displayed in Festival Place Basingstoke

Fatima Pantoja mural in Basingstoke town centre - designed by some Year 6 students

Year 2 Art

Year 3 Art

Year 4 Art

Year 5 Art

Art Day Summer 2022 - Holbein Portraits
