
Rucstall Primary School

A caring, fun loving, learning community


Welcome to Year 3!

We look forward to getting to know you this year and working with you on developing all areas of your learning. 


Miss Baverstock and Mrs Hemmings

Geography - How is Chocolate made?

Our Geography unit this half term is all about how chocolate is made! We have been learning all about the continent of Africa and some of the countries that grow and produce cocoa beans. Today we were looking at the human and physical features of Africa. 

DT - Picture Frames

We have been making picture frames in DT this half term! 

We made sure we experimented first, with which frame was going to be the strongest and most practical for it's job. Then we used the saw to cut our wood into the right shape and size, before sticking them together. We then decorated our frames with felt, glitter, buttons and straws. 

RE - Judaism 

This half term in RE we have been learning about the concept of identity. We have learnt about the religion of Judaism and the festival of Purim. As part of the festival of Purim, Jews make Hamantaschen - we had a go at making this with Year 4. 


Computing - Crumble Police Cars

In Computing we have been looking at programming. We have used coding to make the lights on our police cars flash red and blue. We were able to plan an algorithm, debug and put it into action!

Art Day

Art Day this year has been focussed around learning about John Ruskin and creating a piece of artwork that emulates his. As an artist, John Ruskin had a fondness for flowers and he studied them through observation, sketching and watercolour painting.

We began our day by studying some tulips, we had a go at observational drawing, ensuring that we drew exactly what we could see. We then used watercolour paints to add some colour to our sketches. 


Art - Tapestry

This half term in our Art lessons, we have been learning about the famous Bayeux tapestry. We have then created our own, using our sewing skills based on what we have learnt about the Bayeux tapestry. Once we had created our template, we used our sewing skills to sew the our pieces of felt together and to attach beads and sequins. 


World Book Day

To celebrate World Book Day 2024, the children in Lime Class dressed up as their favourite characters from the books they have read. We had some AMAZING outfits! 

Butser Ancient Farm Trip - 06/10/23


We had a fantastic trip to Butser Farm. Jill, our guide for the day, was absolutely blown away by the children's attitude and knowledge of the Stone Age. Below are some pictures of our day:

Wellbeing Wednesday - 11/10/23

This Wednesday we had a lovely afternoon focussing on positive affirmations within Lime Class. I was extremely impressed with how kind, supportive and mature the pupils were when sharing positive comments about one another. 

Tomato Soup - 17/10/23

Today in Lime Class, we made tomato soup! We had a DT morning where we were able to use all of our knowledge and understanding of how to safely cut and peel vegetables, along with our understanding of how to follow a recipe, to successfully make tomato soup. We then taste tested our soup and evaluated it. Below are some pictures of our morning: 

Information Slideshow
