
Rucstall Primary School

A caring, fun loving, learning community

Lime Class

Welcome to Lime Class

Welcome to Year 3 in Lime Class.

We hope that you have all had a fun and restful summer and we are looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you all better over the course of the year.


On this page, we will regularly share updates and photos of what we have been learning about so please do have a look when you can. 


We look forward to an exciting year ahead!


Miss Baverstock and Mrs Linehan

Remote Learning for Friday 20th December

Please find below the remote learning provision for Friday 20th December. 


Maths - 

Please find below some Christmas Maths activities for the children to do. A Christmas colour-by-numbers, some column addition and subtraction practise and a code-breaker activity. 

Reading - 

A Christmas reading comprehension.

Writing - 

Why not continue to practise the diary writing skills we have developed in class and write a diary over the holidays. Or you would write a letter to Santa!


Home learning - 

I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the home learning expectations over the Christmas holiday. Whilst we will not be tracking Times Table Rockstars or Spelling Shed over the Christmas period, the children are still able to access this and assignments have been set, should they wish to access this tomorrow. 

We will be continuing to track reading engagement over the Christmas period and will check this on the first Wednesday back (Wednesday 8th January). 

Physical Education - Gymnastics

We have begun our gymnastics unit this half term by revisiting our learning from Year 2 of the basic gymnastics shapes. We are looking to develop this knowledge further and incorporate these into a gymnastics floor sequence. 

Instruction writing

As part of our instructions unit in Writing, we had a go at making some origami fish to help us understand the importance of instructions being clear and easy to follow. 

Scooter Workshop

Following our scooter workshop last week, Year 3 have had the opportunity to put their newly learnt skills and safety tips into practice. We have enjoyed using the scooters at lunchtimes and look forward to continuing to use them on the playground. 

Art Day

This term for Art Day we celebrated Rucstall's 50th birthday by using swans as the focus of our artwork.  In Year 3 we looked at using pastels and sketching pencils to create an observational drawing of a swan. 

They turned out fantastically and we are very proud of them! They will be displayed at the Rucstall 50th celebration too!

Below are some photos of both our artwork and the creative process.

Butser Ancient Farm Trip

We had a fantastic trip to Butser Ancient Farm this week! The weather held out for us and we enjoyed every second of the trip. Our guide for the day was incredibly knowledgeable about the Stone Age and taught the children so many fascinating Stone Age facts.

Below are some pictures of our day:

DT Day - Tomato Soup

Our Design Technology unit this half term has been looking at learning how to make soup. We have developed the skills need to make soup including: chopping and cutting vegetables, weighing the ingredients and being safe around sharp utensils. 

Please enjoy the photos below, of us on our DT day. 
