UPDATE: Today in Maths we compiled all of our knowledge of measure to carry out an investigation, it also involved a little debating with our peers. We had to decided which values of a set list were the bigger or small quantity. The children were split into teams and had to carry out lots of different activities, from eating biscuits and running laps, to find the answers they needed before proving each other wrong.
UPDATE: This week we had a visit from Hampshire Fire Education Team; they talked with the children about Fire Safety both in school and at home. The children were prompted to answer a series of questions about what was and wasn't safe to play with. They also were invited to learn all about how often smoke alarms should be tested, if they know their home address and postcode and further a reminder of the school's fire protocol. See pictures below.
Welcome back for the Summer Term (the last term of KS1) we hope you had a wonderful Easter break and are looking forward to getting stuck in this term.
Thank you to those who attended the SATs information meeting (17th April), please see the slides below if you missed it.
UPDATE: This half term in outdoor PE we have been looking at the skills required to be successful in hockey. This week we looked at moving our learning on and developing our aiming skills, as well as working cooperatively to help our team mates develop.
UPDATE: This half term in Art we have been looking at the work of Michelle Reader, a sculpture artist that makes sculptures out of repurposed items ONLY. We sought inspiration from her and created our own animal sculptures using only recycled materials.
Today, Wednesday 15th March, we began our next writing unit: instructions! To show children the importance of the features of instructions, Miss Baverstock tasked the children with guiding her through making a jam sandwich. There were some very bizarre instructions from the children and a very quick realisation that they needed to be more specific, especially when Miss Baverstock began spreading the jam with her hands.
See the pictures below for some great examples of how it can all go wrong!
The end to another very busy week at Rucstall; the children have been amazing this week in particular. I have been so proud to be their teacher, their presentation, workings out in Maths and just their general attitude to their learning has blown me away. Keep it up Hazel class!
This half term in Art we are looking at sculptures, focusing particularly on the work of Michelle Reader. We were lucky enough this afternoon, Tuesday 28th February, to have a video workshop with Michelle Reader herself. She talked the children through the process of making sculptures, how she was inspired and even showed us live how to use recycled material to make flowers!! Please see the pictures below as a snippet of our experience. Keep your eyes peeled to see what we end up making.
Welcome back to the second half of Spring Term; we hope you had a fun-filled and restful half term.
In Maths this week we are recapping our knowledge of Fractions, please support the children with this by using the same vocabulary at home. 1/2 - half 1/4 - quarter 1/3 - third.
Please visit this website with your children to support their learning:
Take a little look at some of our Dance work this half term, we have been looking at developing improvisation. This particular week was based on puppets, the children worked extremely hard to come up with these sequences.
This Friday, 03.02.23, in Maths we began looking at our multiplication and division facts of the five times tables. Take a look at the youtube clip below that we have been using in class to support us. Have a go with your child and support them further with their learning.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Mrs Earl
We have been working very hard in the past two weeks, especially in D.T where we have finished our textile unit of Teddy Bears! We found that a running stitch was the most effective for the outside; we enjoyed stuffing them and creating personalities for them using felt on the outside.
We hope you like them.
We have had a jam packed first week back.
This week Miss Baverstock joins us from the University of Winchester: she is training to become a teacher so will be teaching the children a variety of lessons across the curriculum, she will be with us for the whole of Spring Term. Please make her feel welcome.
Happy New Year! We hope you have all had a restful Christmas break and are ready to get stuck into new learning.
We have already been busy beginning our new Writing unit, discovering new worlds through our magical doorway and investigating the effects of exercise on the human body by taking our own pulse.
Keep your eyes peeled below for the latest class newsletter which will tell you all about the learning we will be discovering this Spring term.
Wow! What an end to a very busy half term: the children have all worked so incredibly hard and I am extremely proud of them. We have done some fantastic things from writing persuasive letters to Pete the Badger, designing our very own teddy bears, further developing our gymnastic knowledge and to even becoming geographers and taking part in some tricky fieldwork around the school grounds.
Take a look at the pictures below for a sneak look at some of the brilliant costumes from our Nativity this week. The children did so amazingly well - some of them had only had their lines for 16 hours as they stepped in at the last minute due to sickness! They are all superstars.
Well done Hazel class, a busy but very productive half term!
Welcome back, I hope you have had a restful half term! We have already been very busy with some seasonal activities.
On the first day back we kicked off with some spooky pumpkin carving! The children worked so well together, really showing off the school value cooperation.
Yesterday we celebrated Bonfire Night by sharing sparklers around the fire pit with Mr Mills. Please see the pictures below.
October 2022
A big, warm welcome to Hazel Class!
UPDATE: Wow! What an incredible half term with Hazel Class, we have been so busy with our learning and extra activities to enhance our learning that we haven't updated you in a few weeks. Please see below our healthy wraps and how the burning of the houses went - thank you so much for the hard work that went into them, although I did feel awful having to burn them, but this did mean that we got some brilliant vocabulary from the children.
Mrs Earl and Mrs Lomax
September 2022
We have had a fantastic start to our Autumn Term. The children have been working incredibly hard and it is really paying off. We have seen our first ever Handwriting certificate and over half the class have already reached their 25 reads! Keep it up Hazel class.
Below are some fantastic examples from our Science unit all about life cycles and offspring. The children created life cycles for the butterfly.
In PE we have been looking at building on our gymnastic knowledge from Year 1 by creating sequences involving movements such as tuck, star and straddle. See some pictures below.
In Writing this week we began a new unit, we are going to be writing our very own witness statements for the Great Fire of London, but how can we do that if we have not experienced it? Well, we set up our own - safe - fire and used our senses to have a sensory experience to help us with our writing.
Mrs Earl and Mrs Lomax