
Rucstall Primary School

A caring, fun loving, learning community


Christmas Lunch

Christingle at Rucstall Primary School 15.12.2020

The History of the Christingle

Merry Christmas - Christmas Cards!

Outdoor Learning Day!

Superhero Day!

We hope that the children enjoyed Superhero Day, recognising those in the community that have helped us during pandemic and across 2020. The costumes were all fantastic! We have some incredibly creative children and parents! Mrs Griffiths (headteacher) was fortunate enough to meet Boris Johnson, as well as a life-size bottle of hand sanitiser, many members of SAGE and a full range of local heroes – including many of our staff. Thank you to everyone for their support of this day – if you are able to, we are asking that instead of school donations parents/carers give generously to Spotlight’s Christmas Campaign:


Remembrance Art Installation

Children are welcomed back
