
Rucstall Primary School

A caring, fun loving, learning community

Meet the Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section

Please find below details of how our Governing Body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.

Chair of Governors

Mrs L Lucas

Local Authority Appointed Governors

Mrs C Duke (Vice Chair) 

Parent Governors

x2 Vacancies

Staff Governor

Mrs H Hemmings

Co-Opted Governors

Mr S Baker

Mr R Perrett

Mr A Dawes



Mrs R Griffiths


Mrs W Simson 

Chair of Governors' Welcome

Welcome to Rucstall Primary School.


As a Governing Body we are very proud of all our children and staff, who make Rucstall Primary School what it is today, an Ofsted rated “Good, and improving” school and a truly great place for your child to start their educational journey.


Our role as governors is to make sure that the schools’ objectives are met and that all planning for the future is robust and realistic. We are here to support and encourage the Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team and teaching staff. We act as a ‘critical friend’ to preserve the highest standards and progress for all our children at Rucstall Primary School.


The governors meet on average six times a year, where we question and challenge reports regarding the learning outcomes and progression of the entire school population. The Governing Body considers how the schools’ resources are used to provide maximum impact to the children, staff and physical environment. Governors test and support the school in achieving its ultimate aims and goals documented in the School Improvement Plan. We also review policies, which allow us to demonstrate that as a school we are forward thinking and committed to supporting your child’s achievements. We are passionate about ensuring your children receive the best possible education available during the years ahead.

What do Rucstall Primary School Governors do?

Governors are all volunteers who give up their time to support Rucstall Primary School.

The Full Governing Body of Rucstall is a key part of its leadership team. Its role is to operate as a board akin to the board of trustees of a charity, or the board of directors of a company. It operates at a strategic level and leaves the Headteacher and senior leadership team responsible for the operational day-to-day running of the school. It provides 'one voice' in that strategic running of the school. In accordance with the regulations, it is the Headteacher who is responsible for the educational performance of the school – which includes the performance of the staff. The board of governor’s role however, is to hold the Headteacher to account for exercising their professional judgement in these matters and for the performance of all other duties.

Its three core functions consistent with the strategic role of Rucstall’s board of governors are to:

  • Set the vision and strategic direction of the School

  • Hold the Headteacher to account for its educational performance; and

  • Ensure its financial resources are well spent.

The governors normally have two Full Governing Body meetings a term. The minutes of these meetings are public records and available at the school on request.

The Governing Body is also responsible for the Health & Safety of the children at Rucstall, as well as for all of the staff at the school.

The governors work with the Headteacher and senior leadership team to focus on ensuring that Rucstall Primary School provides the best possible education for our children, which must continue to be the focus as we move forward.


How do governors get involved in the life of the school?

They get involved in the life of the school in many ways. We attend Parent Consultations and like the opportunity to talk to parents on these occasions. We also visit the school, to talk to staff and take part in triangulation visits throughout the school. Our visits for this purpose are pre-arranged and focus on specific areas related to the School Improvement Plan (SIP).

Governors are also involved in the selection and appointment of senior teaching appointments i.e. Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher etc.

We also take part in school trips and school events. Regular Health and Safety visits are done to check on the school environment. Also, to insure that that we monitor value for money, regular audits of the school’s finances are done.


How do I become a governor?

To find out more information on becoming a governor, please visit the following website.

We are currently recruiting and would welcome any interested persons to contact the school office to arrange an appointment with the Headteacher. 

Could you be a school governor?

Governor Application Form
