
Rucstall Primary School

A caring, fun loving, learning community

Maple Class

Welcome to Year 4! We hope that the children have had a restful break and are ready for the busy year ahead. During our first few weeks we will focus on settling the children back into school, their routines and ensuring that they have the skills and knowledge required to be successful in Year 4.


We will update the class page with examples of our learning and be sure to check in throughout the year. 


All children have now been issued with a reading record and the race is on to see who can be the first to 25 reads!


Mr Clarke and Mrs Sayer

Update - We used role-play in our learning today to understand what it might have been like on the Endurance during the journey to Antarctica. We put ourselves in the position of the crew to try and understand what they might have been feeling or thinking. This will help us when we write our recounts of the expedition.

Update - Maple Class had great fun learning how to skateboard. We learned how to balance, how to steer using bodyweight and even some tricks.

Update - Maple Class have been investigating whether the amount of water affects how quickly sugar will dissolve. We used skittles, different volumes of water and a stopwatch to record how long each bowl took to dissolve.

Update - Maple Class have been comparing Basingstoke and La Plagne in their geography learning. Today they used their learning of comparing climates to produce a news bulletin about the weather in each town.

Update - Maple Class had lots of fun engaging with our Autumn 2 'Wellbeing Wednesday'. As a class we explored the key focus question 'How can nature support our wellbeing?'. We then took part in a carousel of activities both in the classroom and outdoors.

Update - Maple Class have been peer editing their plans for the final writes. They have been creating a leaflet persuading people to visit the resort of La Plagne in France. They have been applying their learning from Geography to help them with this.

Update - Maple Class have been generating ideas for their new writing unit, The Funfair. They have been describing the sensory experience of a funfair and trying to visualise what it would look like from a bird's eye view..

Update - Maple Class having been using their sewing skills to make rice chicks in DT.

Update - Maple Class have been exploring how to reinforce a structure as part of our learning in DT.

Update - Maple class have been practising their measuring and sawing skills in DT this week.

Update - Maple class have been learning lots in their cricket sessions with Coach Vik. Today we learned how to be 'brilliant bowlers'.
