At Rucstall Primary School the safeguarding and protection of our children is everyone's responsibility.
Safeguarding determines the actions that we take to keep children safe and protect them from harm in all aspects of their school life. As a school we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our pupils.
The actions that we take to prevent harm; to promote wellbeing; to create safe environments; to educate on rights, respect and responsibilities; to respond to specific issues and vulnerabilities all form part of the safeguarding responsibilities of the school.
We recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children. We make every effort to provide a safe and welcoming environment underpinned by a culture of openness where both children and adults feel secure, able to talk and believe that they are being listened to. We maintain an attitude of “it could, and does, happen here” where safeguarding is concerned.
Below are our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies, along with latest Government Guidance.
If you have a concern for a member of the school community, child or adult, please get in contact with Hampshire Children's Services: Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm, phone 0300 555 1384
If it's an emergency and a child is in immediate danger, call 999
At Rucstall Primary School our Designated Safeguarding Lead is:
Mrs R Griffiths, Headteacher
Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are:
Mr N Blake, Deputy Headteacher
Ms T Baugh, Assistant Headteacher
Mrs N Lomax, Pastoral Lead
Our Prevent Lead is Mrs R Griffiths
Our Designated Teacher for Looked After and Post Looked After Children is Mr N Blake
Our Deputy Designated Teacher for Looked After Children is Mrs R Healy
March 2021
Government has launched a review into sexual abuse in schools. Details of which can be found here for parents.
In response to this Rucstall Primary School conducted its own review into any allegations or disclosures linked to sexual abuse. The aim of this internal review was to analyse disclosures and action taken by the school to ensure that any pupil or staff member has been supported and matters appropriately and swiftly actioned.
There is a new dedicated NSPCC helpline available on 0800 136 663
The new helpline provides both children and adults, who are potential victims of sexual abuse in schools, with the appropriate support and advice. This includes how to contact the police and report crimes if they wish. The helpline also provides support to parents and professionals too.