
Rucstall Primary School

A caring, fun loving, learning community

Liaison and reporting to parents, including communication methods

Parents are invited into the school at different times during the year. If you have a concern or query at any point, we ask that parents follow our below communication flowchart:

Reporting to Parents

A positive and supportive link between home and school can help your child’s time in school to be a happy part of their life. Your child will learn more readily in a secure and happy environment that such a link can provide. We will keep you informed of your child’s progress and of any concerns we might have. Please let us know of any factors at home that might affect your child during the day. It can be difficult to help if we are not clear about the situation and may be able to offer further support. Parent Consultations are held every Autumn and Spring Term. In the Summer Term you will be provided with a written report regarding your child’s effort and attainment across the academic year.

Please do not feel that you have to wait for a formal invitation to talk to your child’s class teacher. You can make an appointment at any reasonable time and date.
