
Rucstall Primary School

A caring, fun loving, learning community


Chapter 6 - The Early Morning

When you’re operating on less than 5 hours a night sleep, the last thing you really need is the Isle of Wight’s very own asthmatic fox to turn up in the front garden at 3.20am. This particular guy needs to carry his Ventolin when he goes out at night as clearly the fresh sea air is not doing him much good. He was hacking, wheezing and coughing for a good half hour out there. If Mrs Lee and Mrs Golding were here, they’d be phoning his mum to come and collect him. Apart from the asthmatic fox, all was silent last night so I’m hoping he takes his post-midnight socialising somewhere else tonight. 


So, reflecting back on yesterday's blog. For those of you who guessed 7am for the first group waking up, you were wrong. Did anyone guess 6:30am? Well, you were also wrong. If you guessed 6:10am then you were correct!  


The boys are awake and in good spirits...although it's carnage within room F11 . Goodness only knows how they're going to find the right clothes to wear today. The cases look like they've suffered from spontaneous mini-explosions and there are random garments strewn everywhere in festering mounds. The one in the centre of the room appears to be a collection of monochrome clothes...either that or a small family of badgers have decided to move in. If they are badgers, I don't expect they'll be staying too long.


Room D19, which houses Desmarie, Macy, Gracie, Marni and Layla looked like it had been burgled. This morning when I was stepping over a suspicious mound, I was attacked by what can only be described as a bear trap. How frustrating, I could have done with that bear trap yesterday!


A few key moments missed in yesterday's blog:

-The adults were very impressed with Mr Fifield's sun-tanned glow yesterday - only to discover post swimming that he had been wearing fake tan. The adults had wondered why the swimming pool was a tad murky...

-Our coach driver, although very strict on maintaining the coach standards, has been fantastic with the music. Unfortunately, during one of the tracks, Miss Radford took out of her bag some glow sticks which were then quickly confiscated by Mrs Healy. It's hard enough being on a school trip - never mind turning it into a mini music festival.

-Whilst looking at the armadillos, Layla reflected, "I thought they were all extinct." Alas dear Layla, you are thinking dodos. So close, yet so very far.

The morning was spent at Wildheart Animal Sanctuary (formerly known as Isle of Wight Zoo). The children enjoyed seeing the lions and tigers (not bears!) as well as meerkats, monkeys, goats and a variety of other reptiles.


In the afternoon we headed to Carisbrooke Castle. I was very disappointed to hear moans and groans about visiting a castle whilst on "holiday" - but once I had told Mrs Healy and Mr Fifield off for their pessimism, we entered the grounds with high spirits. Pupil on the coach, “Oh great, the castle, this is the visit which is educational.” Here’s me thinking the whole trip was educational. The children were fortunate enough to touch the oldest cannon in England! After the talk we headed round the keep to look at the great views. The children enjoyed seeing Jigsaw and Juno the donkeys who help to work the well. 


Compliment of the Day: came from one of the volunteers at Carisbrooke Castle who said, “You are by far the best behaved and most inquisitive group we have had this year. We are very impressed.” It was all too much for Mrs Healy who had to reach for her tissues and turn away for a private emotional moment. It means such a lot to a Year 6 teacher to hear their class praised by respected people who have met them for the first time. For the record, Mrs Healy’s pride was matched by my own – your children did themselves, yourselves and our school proud; they were superbly supportive to each other all day and fully deserved this fabulous accolade.


My esteemed colleagues are sitting alongside me on the leather sofas enjoying a few moments of well-earned rest. They have worked non-stop since we left school yesterday, with every duty completed with good grace and constant humour; they are providing outstanding care, guidance and inspiration for the children. We are blessed to have them all in our team. The corridors feel calm and quiet but this is not surprising. The children must be exhausted as they have run, walked, climbed & played all day...most of it at 100mph. Whilst we wait for dinner, the children are enjoying some down time outside.

So, how is the election campaign bus progressing I hear you ask? Well, Mrs Healy continues to spread the sun-burned red face look; Mr Fifield's fake tan has left him with a very orange glow and Miss Radford's green credentials continue as she was recycling the sweet wrappers on the coach. In the interests of balance, you will notice I am wearing blue. Whilst I do not condone this colour - much like the BBC, I am forbidden from expressing my views. Thank goodness this is a light-hearted blog with no political influence then. 


The children enjoyed a dinner of spaghetti bolognaise with garlic bread this evening. When the adults offered seconds, there was an avalanche of chairs flying as children dashed to grab a second or third helping. Once again, the comments came a plenty saying that the food was, "Much, much better than my mum's cooking - and marginally better than the school lunches." Please don't shoot the messenger! 


For those of you following the Olympic Water Polo, the second heats have needed to be rescheduled for Thursday. Due to the General Election coverage, we've agreed with ITV to postpone the big game until Thursday so stay tuned then for the results. A reminder that yesterday's game was won by the adults with some margin.  


Tomorrow we have another high octane programme lined up. In the morning, we are visiting The Land that Time Forgot (or more formally, Blackgang Chine) I'll be on hand with The Blog whilst Miss Radford will continue in her David Bailey role as she takes hundreds more photos of the action.


Until tomorrow, it's over and out from the whole team here in the lounge of Urban Saints. I’m off to put signs on the lawn saying ‘No Trespassing. Asthmatic Foxes will be prosecuted.’ 

The most popular question asked today by far was: What has happened to Lucas? Was it bird poo or was it ice cream? We can confirm it was neither. Lucas decided to give his brand-new toy an extra-big squeeze when it exploded all over him. Although, on closer inspection, we believe 10% might be sun cream; 11% ice cream and 9.5% bird poo too. Lucas wasn’t fazed at all – he was very happy for Mrs Healy to clean him up whilst he stood there like royalty.
